
学术会议 | “性别、语言及教育”国际会议

香港教育大学 语言学心得 2021-12-26

International Conference on

Gender,Language and Education

This conference seeks to bring together academics, researchers, community leaders, policymakers, education practitioners and research postgraduate students from the worldwide community to explore equality and diversity issues in language and education through a gendered lens. Since gender inequalities have been the focus of heated debate around the world, the ICGLE aims to call for collaborative action to address systemic (gender) inequalities, particularly in the Asian context. It is hoped that through the conference, a platform for knowledge transfer and capacity-building of multi-disciplinary studies of gender may be established in the region. Over the course of the ICGLE, we invite keynote speeches, themed panels and paper and/or poster presentations on topics related to the conference theme 'Gender, Language and Education: Equality and Diversity Issues in Asia'.

keynote Speakers

Professor Jane Sunderland

Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language,

Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Professor Theresa Der-lan Yeh

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Call for papers

The ICGLE seeks to explore issues related to gender equality and diversity in language and education. Over the course of the conference, one of the primary aims will be to move beyond discussion towards a collaborative call to action to address systemic inequalities, particularly in the Asian context, engaging with and addressing contemporary debates about gender inequalities in the region. This will serve as a platform for knowledge transfer and capacity-building to facilitate multi-disciplinary studies of gender.

Conference Sessions

The conference will be composed of keynote speeches, paper and poster presentations, and themed panels.

Conference Theme

Gender, Language and Education: 

Equality and Diversity Issues in Asia

The topics include:

  • Gender and language

  • Gender and literature

  • Gender, popular culture and education

  • Gender and STEM education

  • Sexuality education

  • Gender equality in education policy, practice and pedagogy

  • Gender and educational management and leadership

  • Women’s empowerment in education

  • Gender differences in educational attainment

  • Sexual harassment, heterosexism, homo- and trans- phobia in the education sector

  • Intersectionality in education: how gender interacts with other social differences

  • Other relevant areas

Abstract Submission


  • Language requirement: English

  • Word limit: no more than 300 words (excluding references and figures) and 3 to 5 keywords

  • Content: research background, objectives, methods and preliminary findings (please do not send full papers)

  • Submission method: abstract submissions for paper or poster presentations should be made through EasyChair (please click here for guidelines of using EasyChair). For themed panels, abstract submissions should be sent directly to the Conference Secretariat using this application form.

  • Maximum number of submissions: each presenter is limited to one individual paper/poster presentation and one joint paper/poster presentation/panel discussion, or two joint presentations

  • Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2020

  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the Review Committee. Applicants will be notified by 30 June 2020 at latest via email                     

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline
30 April 2020

Notification of acceptance, and registration opens
June 2020

Early-bird registration closes
31 August 2020

Registration for presenters closes
20 September 2020

Standard registration closes
2 November 2020

Conference Dates
2 - 4 December 2020


    Should you have any enquiries, please contact us through the following means.

    Website: https://www.eduhk.hk/lml/icgle/

    Contact person:Ms. Chan Wing Shan, Ivy
    Tel:(+852) 2948 7753
    Fax:(+852) 2948 8015
    Address:Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
    1/F, Block B4, The Education University of Hong Kong
    10 Lo Ping Road
    Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong


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  审     核:心得小蔓

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